Registration Information
Bullseye Archery is offering an activity for individuals older than 8 years old (children with or without parents and adults with or without children). Bullseye Archery is designed to be a family activity; parents are encouraged to participate! Bullseye Archery is an inexpensive (as little as $80/archer) organization for novice and experienced male and female archer scheduled once-per-week (for the busy family). The Bullseye Archery Introductory Letter contains more program information; please download and read it carefully.
Meetings are scheduled from 6:30P.M. - 8:30P.M. at Bullzeye Archery in Bloomfield at Bullzeye Archery (6550 State Route 5 and 20, East Bloomfield, New York 14469) on
the following 8 consecutive Tuesdays between 4/12 and 5/31, inclusive.
Registrants may choose either day (if 2 options are available). This is not a league activity; therefore, a weekly commitment is not required!
Archery is the practice or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows. Competitive archery involves shooting arrows at a target for accuracy from a set distance or distances. This is the most popular form of competitive archery worldwide and is called target archery. Each week archers will receive training and will subsequently shoot a round of 10 ends (consisting of 3 arrows per end) from 5, 10, or 15 yards. A record of each archer's round will be recorded each week and progress tracked throughout the session.
Registration Fee
The registration fee is comprised of
a Participation Fee of $80.00 per participant.
a Renter Fee of $15.00 per participant if and only if the participant needs to use a club-bow.
a League Fee of $25.00 for 3 or more participants or $20 for only 2 participants or $15 for only 1 participant applied per registration (family).
a Processing Fee of $2.50 per registration (per family).
a Processing Fee Waiver of the Processing Fee (subtract $2.50) if and only if the registrant registers on-line.
a League Fee Discount of $10.00 (subtract $10.00) if and only if one parental/guardian adult indicates on the registration form to serve as a volunteer (devotion presenter) for the league and subsequently dutifully fulfills the corresponding job responsibilities.
a Late Registration of either $20.00 for 2 or more participants or $15.00 for only 1 participant per registration (per family). Late registrations will be accepted at the discretion of the registrar.
Registration is limited due to space/time considerations; therefore, register today before the registration is closed! The roster will be queued in the order that the registrations are received and processed by the registrar of Bullseye Archery; participants earliest in the queue are given priority for roster placement. Registration does not guarantee participation; refunds will be issued for any participant not placed on the roster. The registration form and full payment must be received by the registrar of Bullseye Archery in order for the corresponding participants to be queued on the roster. Register as early as possible (don't wait until the deadline) to maximize the likelihood of roster placement.
Registration Process
To register for Bullseye Archery,
complete the on-line registration form (ideally) or e-mail the completed paper registration form in Microsoft Word format (2 pages) or mail via U.S. Postal Service the completed paper registration form in PDF format (3 pages) and
remit payment using a check or money order payable to HIS Archery
by Friday April 1st of 2022. Payment must be remitted and, if applicable, a printed paper registration form must be submitted to the registrar of Bullseye Archery via U.S. Postal Service at
Bullseye Archery
C/O Michael Carney
24 Blandford Lane
Fairport, NY 14450-3108.
To facilitate the registration process, please consider completing the on-line registration form. When properly bookmarked, the on-line registration form need never be completed again "from scratch" for registrations in future sessions!
Participating adult archers and the parents of participating minor archers should receive communication (via e-mail) by Sunday April 3rd of 2022 from the registrar in order to introduce himself and share club information. Please contact the registrar of Bullseye Archery if not contacted by the morning of Monday April 4th of 2022.
Attendance Poll
A parent/guardian is required to complete a weekly attendance poll via a bookmarked entry (after an initial entry) by the deadline. The initial entry for each family-participant must be bookmarked; the entry for each family-participant must be updated using the bookmark each week. This screenshot illustrates and this 75-second video demonstrates the simple process required to bookmark a Google form entry; the attendance poll is a Google form.
illustrates the proper methodology to create and bookmark multiple entries (for a family),
illustrates the proper methodology to retrieve entries to update,
illustrates the improper methodology to "update" a response (which is really just creating a new response), and
illustrates the impact upon the data table of proper and improper entries to a Google form.
Please contact the Registrar of Bullseye Archery with questions.
I look forward to a successful session!
Michael Carney: Commissioner/Registrar of Bullseye Archery
Member Webpage
Once officially registered, members gain access to the Member Web Page that includes the last session's results and cumulative results, lost and found, awards, and more!
Online Surveys
Before the first session, devotional presenters must update the Devotional Schedule to volunteer to present a devotion to the group on 3 separate occasions.
Ancillary Archery Instructional Websites
This will get updated throughout the session.